Thursday, August 23, 2012

Coupon Newbie Series *Lesson 1* Locating Coupons

     In my ventures over the last few months, I have spent an abundance of hours researching the best ways to coupon, and how to compile it all into an easy step by step process.  "The Coupon Newbie Series" will focus on the beginning steps of couponing.  Starting with, "Where Do I Find Coupons?" To enjoy the full savings, you will need a computer with a printer. 
A lot of people just use the Sunday paper, and although this is a good resource, printing gives you access to even more coupons, that a lot of companies do not offer in the newspaper inserts.  Printed coupons add up to around 40% or more of my savings each month!  Make sure to start small, remember the old adage, "Rome wasn't built in a day", well that applies to couponing!   I don't recommend running out and purchasing 6-10 papers right away, until you have a system down to be able to use them all.  Don't worry you will get there!

*Step 1*
Newspaper Inserts

      Research and see what papers you have access to in your area.  I called my local paper and asked if they had prior Sunday papers for sale.  They said they had them for up to 3 months back and they were discounted to $1 each.  They normally sale for $1.50 ea, but if you buy 2 or more they discount to a $1.00.  Your newspaper may vary in pricing.  They will also deliver more than one to your home with a discounted rate for 2 or more.  I always buy a minimum of 2 papers each week. I always try to have at least 2 of each coupon, so that i can use them on a buy one, get one free sale, and also to be able to stock up.

       There are 4 inserts that can be in the newspapers on Sunday.  Those are Red Plum, Smart Source, Procter & Gamble, and General Mills.  There is a schedule on Sunday Coupon Preview that will let you know what inserts come out in the newspapers for what date.  They also have an advanced preview of what coupons will be in the paper, so you can see if it has coupons you have been wanting then you may want to stock up on that paper.  Using two or three coupons cover the cost of my paper each week

      There are some newspaper clipping services, and insert services online.  It is illegal to buy coupons, but you can purchase the service of them clipping and gathering the coupons for you.  These are popular as these companies will mail you multiple inserts each week, or you can pick which coupons you would like and just purchase the service for those.  Check out Clipping/Insert Services (coming soon) for more information.

*Step 2*
Printable Coupons

       Online sites have coupons at your finger tips daily!  Most of these sites will post their coupons at the first of the month, and some others throughout the month.  If you follow my page and check the Top Listed Coupon Sites, you should be able to get all you need!  Remember, most coupons printed online, will expire 30 days from the date printed.  You are allowed to print up to 2 of each coupon on most sites.  Make sure you print your max, so that you will be able to stock up on that item.

 *Step 3*

Stores, Shops and Office's

        Some local libraries have a basket of coupons, or the Sunday papers you can get your coupons from.(always ask before taking out in any inserts)  Coffee shops are a good way to get your coupons from the papers in the morning, as they have several papers lying around for their patrons to read.  Grocery stores have lots of "Blinkie's"(coupon machines) all around the store, along with tear pads.  Grab what you may need for any future purchase's.  Drug stores have tear pads, and coupons posted with products through out the store and at the front counter.  I grabbed several coupons from my Doctor's office the other day.  Always ask on your visit if they have any coupons.  I was able to get 6/$1 off Gerber Graduates and 4/$5 off Baby Formula coupons from my last visit!

*Step 4*
Emailing Companies for Coupons

         Emailing for coupons has become quite popular lately.  You can simply email a company when you "like", or "dislike" something about their product.  With my experiences, about 3 out of 5 companies emailed, you will receive some type of coupon in the mail.

Examples:  I emailed on company on how I loved their product, but never seen any coupons for it.  They responded and mailed me a coupon for $1 off any of their products.  I also had a situation where our juice boxes were missing straws.  The company replied quickly and sent me 2 coupons for free packs of juice boxes.  The same with some ice cream I bought.  The wrappers on some of them were exposing the ice cream on some of the bars,giving that area a freezer burn taste.  That company mailed me 2 coupons for free product also!  To date, I have received over 50+ coupons from emailing companies, and a lot of which were for FREE products!  Check out my blog on Emailing Companies for Coupons-(Click HERE) to get the links for some of the more popular companies.

*Step 5*

        There are many other ways to get the inserts for free or discounted.  Stores will sometime throw away the papers the following day after just tearing off the date.  You can get a good relationship with a local store and have them save the coupons for you.  Ask neighbors, friends and family.  There are millions of papers sold each week, and very few of the people buying them actually use coupons.  Other people go to extremes and go through recycling bins, but I am not that extreme just yet!

"What about the cost?"
  • How do I  "SAVE" money if I am buying multiple newspapers?
  I buy 4-6 papers each week, and spend around $10-$18 weekly.  My normal grocery bill before couponing was over $600 a month for a family of 5.  In the past few months that has been cut down to $200 a month, and we have 3 times as many groceries!  That is a savings of $350 a month, minus newpaper's and ink, brings my saving to $300!"  The newspapers pay for themselves! Don't buy more newspapers than you need or will use, that is the key!

  • How do I "SAVE" money if I am printing so many coupons?
   Saving on printing was a big deal to me when starting.  We didn't have the extra funds to run out and buy ink every week, and I could just see the savings depleting every page i printed.  I have written a blog on "How to Save on Printing Coupons".  You may find this very helpful and informative on your journey to become a true Savvy Shopper!  The key to printing coupons is not to print more than you will use or need, refill your ink at local office, or drugstores, and recycle paper!  Click HERE for more on "How to Save on Printing Coupons"!

Lesson 1 - To Do List 
  • Call up your local newspaer to see what their rates are, and look in your area for a secondary paper which offers coupon inserts
  • Head over to "Top Coupon Sites" a look around, get familiar with their sites and sign up for alerts!
  • Read up on "How to Save Printing Coupons", and print out what you need.
  • Take a trip to town and familiarize yourself with all your local grocery and drugstores.  Grab up some coupons while your out!
  • Drop by your local library, see if they offer a coupon basket.
  • Stop by your local gas stations and ask what they do with their unwanted papers, and if they have to return the whole paper?
YEAH, you have come to the end of Day 1 in beginning your coupon journey!  I know it is a lot of information to take in, but if you stick to the guidelines to "Locating Coupons" you should be well on your way!

If you have any questions related to this posting, feel free to comment below, or send me an email at:

Happy Couponing!
Sabrina :-)

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